Digitalization and computational science

Some of Europe's top research teams specializing in digitalization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are located in Oslo Science City. Here, both basic and applied research are conducted, enabling the business and public sectors to develop innovative digital solutions and services.

Digital tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital twins are becoming increasingly central to executing the green and digital transition and constructing the sustainable societies of tomorrow.

A Strong Tradition of Collaboration: Hosting over a thousand researchers in digitalization and computational sciences, Oslo Science City is home to some of Europe's leading research groups across a broad spectrum of fields, ranging from artificial intelligence and smart sensor systems to nanomaterials, green digitalization, and software development methodologies. A strong tradition of collaboration with the business and public sectors enables rapid application of new knowledge to tackle concrete societal challenges. For example, the dScience center at the University of Oslo strengthens the bond between leading researchers, prominent knowledge-based companies, and public entities through its partnership program. MiNaLab, a research and production facility located in the middle of Oslo Science City, specializes in developing and manufacturing advanced high-precision sensors and microsystems for the Norwegian and international markets.

International Success Stories. Several startups have emerged from these environments. Incubators like StartupLab and technology transfer offices such as Sintef TTO and Inven2 are instrumental in the formation and growth of these new ventures. Several enterprises rooted in technologies pioneered within the innovation district, such as Kahoot!, Ardoq, Spacemaker, and Elliptic Labs, have gone on to achieve international success.


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