Democracy and inclusion

A sustainable society must also ensure social sustainability. In Oslo Science City, several leading research teams are dedicated to exploring interdisciplinary ways to foster a robust and inclusive democracy while preventing social exclusion.

Major societal shifts are challenging democracy, unity, and trust. Norway, along with the global community, is navigating a critical transition towards a sustainable society that promises green jobs and a reliable welfare state for an aging population. This immense task demands not only new technology and research-driven innovation but also a transition that is equitable and benefits society at large. Simply put, the sustainable society of the future needs to be socially sustainable as well.

Understanding the Impact of Change: Oslo Science City unites world-class interdisciplinary research teams dedicated to strengthening democracy and democratic institutions amidst technological shifts, economic disparities, and anti-democratic tendencies. There's a pressing need to grasp the implications of digitalization for society and individuals, to ensure the green transition is just, and to make medical advancements benefit all. Hence, the themes of democracy and inclusion are intricately linked with the innovation district's other gravitational fields of excellence.

Beyond Product Development: A just societal transition hinges on broad-based innovation and novel solutions. In Oslo Science City, we understand that innovation encompasses more than commercial product development. It includes breakthroughs that streamline public services, offer better support to vulnerable groups, and generate non-monetary value. That's why we are investing heavily in social innovation and entrepreneurship, championing all forms of creativity and innovation that are essential for our society.


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