Area development

Several billion Euros are being invested in buildings and infrastructure in the Oslo Science City area. Here, you can read more about the construction projects our members are currently planning and executing.

Planned and ongoing projects

The Life Science Building

The Life Science Building is being constructed by Statsbygg for the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital and will become the country's largest and most advanced university and hospital building upon its completion in 2026.

Campus Ullevål

Campus Ullevål will become a sustainability hub for research institutions, startups, and knowledge-based companies within climate, energy, environment, societal security, and infrastructure. The building will be completed in 2026.

The New National Hospital

The New National Hospital is scheduled to become operational in 2031 with a large, new, and forward-looking building complex that consolidates regional and national functions while simultaneously providing local hospital services to approximately 200,000 patients.

The New Radium Hospital

The Radium Hospital is being further developed as a specialized cancer hospital with a new clinic and proton building that closely integrates research and patient care. The new buildings will be put into use in 2024.

Oslo Cancer Cluster

The Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park is now being expanded by approx. 12,000 square meters of laboratories and office spaces that will serve as a meeting place for researchers and businesses.


Ferd Eiendom will develop the former Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation headquarters into a diverse, green, and vibrant urban environment, transforming Marienlyst into a heart of the local neighborhood.

Oslo Science Park

The Oslo Science Park has had its planning case approved for an expansion of 18,000 square meters. The planning case includes an extension on existing premises and will accommodate more activity within academia, research, and growth companies.


Forskningsveien 1 is a state-of-the-art research facility for SINTEF. An extension of Forskningsveien 1, known as Forskningsveien 1 B, is currently in development, with an anticipated completion in 2026/2027. The building will span more than 10,000 square meters and is intended for SINTEF and its partners.
